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Chrytatywna Choinka




Fundacja Sterczące Uszy

I will resist a cat brigade from Luboń. I was the first to come to my feeder and asked for food, shelter. She took care of me, castrated, vaccinated and, against the name - I was never a father! I'm just number 1! They tried to dominate me, but then he gets a freak. I do not agree, I am the sun and observing the area from the garden! Although for the winter I definitely prefer to sleep in the armchair in the house and I sleep anyway. In April I was treated for a cat's runny nose, up to 2 months I went to your vet! A lot of drugs, blood tests but it succeeded. I am healthy! I feel great for 8 years of life, all in all I'm just starting my life! Recently, I heard the feeder talked to my aunt from the foundation that she would try to help with karma, because the city gives us too little food ... and my feeder has recently worse financially and it's hard to feed us. I say us because the brigade has 8 cats!

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